Course Catalog
(Available Courses)
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CL1110 - Your New Life

When you asked Jesus Christ to be your Savior, a wonderful event took place. You were brought out of darkness into light. Your sins were forgiven, and you were born into the family of God. You received a new life. This book is about the new life you now have because of what Jesus did for you....More

CL1210 - When You Pray

Someone loved me and shared with me the things that have helped me so greatly. Now I want to share some of these things with you. Let us walk and talk together through these pages. As we go along, I pray that God will walk with us and that you may discover new depths of joy in talking with Him.
Dr. J. Robert Ashcroft...More

CL1310 - God's Design - Your Choice

Have you ever wondered what God’s design is for your life? Perhaps you are a new believer, or maybe you have been a Christian for several years. Nevertheless, as you have continued to follow the Lord, it is possible that you have found questions arising in your mind.
This course is designed to help you find answers to these questions. As you study each lesson, you will find out more about God’s design for you and how you can choose to foll...More

CL2120 - Your Bible

More Bibles have been bought than any other book in history. However, reading a Bible for the first time can be overwhelming. Where do you start? This book was written to help you learn how to use your Bible. You will also discover why and how the Bible was written.
Believers accept the Bible as the Word of God and believe it is God’s personal message to them. Reading your Bible daily can encourage you in your faith and help you be a stronge...More

CL2220 - How to Study the Bible

The study of God’s Word demands our best attention.
The Holy Spirit teaches us, but we must apply ourselves as
well. It takes careful study of the Bible to understand its deep
This course will present basic facts about the Bible and give
you a few methods by which to organize your study. Without a
plan of action, it would be very difficult to build a house, sew
a dress, or graduate from school. But a plan of action makes

CL2320 - John's Gospel

This course is about Jesus Christ, who was born more than 2,000 years ago. Why should you study it? How can it affect your life? How can these lessons help you? Whatever your belief may be, you owe it to yourself to know something about Jesus—His life, His teachings, and His claims....More

CL3130 - Who Jesus Is

Jesus Christ was born more than 2,000 years ago. Why should you study a course about Him? What difference does it make to you who He is? This question is vital. You will find the answer to it in these lessons.
Today, more people than ever before in the history of the world are talking about Jesus Christ. Millions claim to be His followers. Why? Whatever your religion may be, you owe it to yourself to know something about Jesus—His life, His ...More

CL3230 - Your Helpful Friend

You will enjoy reading about men and women who have received the Holy Spirit as their Friend and Helper. You will learn from the Bible what this Friend can do for you. Best of all, as you put into practice the suggestions given in each lesson, you will know God better and serve Him more effectively.
You will find the Suggested Reading List at the end of this book helpful if you plan to teach the course or want to study more about the subject a...More

CL3330 - We Believe

Have you ever had questions about what Christians believe? Have your friends asked you why you believe the way you do and you have not been able to answer them? If so, this course is especially for you. Even after you have studied it, you will want to keep it on hand for a quick reference any time a question arises.
This course is about the main teachings of the Bible. We call them the fundamental doctrines. You should study them not only to h...More

CL4140 - The Church

Have you ever wondered where the church came from, how it got started, and what will happen to it in the future? Not only does this course tell you about the church, but it will also help you to know how you can be more useful to Christ and His church as you put into practice what you learn....More

CL4240 - Christian Worship

When you asked Christ into your heart and life, you were
born in God’s family. He had already shown His love to you by
sending Jesus to die in your stead. He continues to show you
His love by answering your prayers and meeting your needs.
You in turn have responded by accepting what He offered
you and by thanking Him for His many blessings. But your
heart is reaching out to do more. You want to express your
love further. As you grow in...More

CL4340 - What Churches Do

Have you ever wondered why churches exist? What does it really mean to be baptized, to take communion, and to dedicate babies? Or perhaps you have heard someone ask, “Do I need to go to church? Why can’t I just worship God in nature or in my home?” What would you answer?
Whether you attend church services regularly or not, this course will interest you. We will follow the experiences of Mary, a new convert, and her fiancé, Timothy. Timo...More

CL5150 - Personal Evangelism

Now that you have accepted Jesus into your heart and He has become your personal, living Savior, many questions may have come to your mind. What is the Christian life all about? What am I supposed to do?
No matter who you are, you have been chosen by God to tell others of your experience with Jesus Christ and His saving power. That is personal evangelism!
This study course will help you to understand the true nature of personal evangelism. ...More

CL5250 - Christian Workers

This course tells how God has organized the church according to His plan and purpose. It explains why there are different types of workers in the church. It describes the kind of person a Christian worker should be. And it gives practical suggestions you can follow in finding and developing your own gifts. It will help you understand how you can work with the leaders in your church and minister to those around you....More

CL5350 - The Teaching Ministry

My friend Donna came to our home Bible study and listened and learned as we taught God’s Word. Donna became excited about what she learned. She went home and began to teach her seven children. Each of them became a Christian. Then she invited the children in her neighborhood to go to her home one afternoon a week. She taught them about Jesus. Many of the children learned to love Jesus. They accepted Him as their Savior. Donna became a teacher o...More

CL6160 - Bible Ethics

This course will help you see the rules that were made to help you be holy as He is holy. It will help you see that these rules for right living are made for your own good. God is interested in what you are rather than in what you do not do as a Christian....More

CL6260 - Marriage and the Home

What do you expect to get out of this course? How will it help you? Many students take it in preparation for marriage. Young couples find in it time-tested rules for developing a happy home. Parents and children learn to appreciate each other more as they study the basic principles of good family relationships. And counselors can find in these pages a wealth of good practical advice to pass on to others.
There is something in this course for e...More

CL6360 - The Christian in His Community

We usually think of community as the place where we live. But you will learn that community is much more than the place where we live—it is a spirit or an attitude that we have toward others.
Do you know that you can be part of more than one community? You may be part of a school community, a church community, or a working community. All of these together may make up the community where you live.
In this course, we will discover principle...More

CS1111 - Christian Maturity

Christian Maturity is an introductory study to the subject of the Christian’s growth. The study gives attention to the role of Christian service in the believer’s growth.
A biblical approach to the subject makes the course acceptable for use in an international audience. The course leads the student to interact constantly with the Word of God, which is the foundation for the study.
The course is practical in nature, pointing out how the...More

CS1211 - Prayer and Worship

This course is a study on prayer and worship with emphasis on
the priority of God’s glory and God’s kingdom over our needs
and wants. It also emphasizes the fact that believers who honor this priority will have the things they need provided for them.
The study is based on Matthew 6:5-13, but the key verse
containing the central truth is Matthew 6:33, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to ...More

CS1311 - The Responsible Christian

The Responsible Christian: A Study in Christian Stewardship
is a study of what the Bible says about stewardship—the role of
God as owner and people as stewards. It will explain how
Christians should exercise their responsibility for faithful
management of the various properties and resources with which
God has entrusted them. In addition, it will deal with our
relationship to our homes, churches, and communities in the light of
our role ...More

CS2121 - The Kingdom, the Power, & the Glory

The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: A Survey of the New
Testament will help the Christian worker gain an overall knowledge of the content of the New Testament. It emphasizes the historical setting, characteristics, and teachings of the New Testament. It will help the Christian worker understand the New Testament, gain confidence in its reliability, and become better equipped to share its truths with others....More

CS2221 - Tents, Temples, and Palaces

Tents, Temples, and Palaces gives the student an introduction to the Old Testament. It emphasizes the history of God’s people, paying special attention to God’s mighty acts and the prophetic words He gave concerning those acts. It deals with the sequence and meaning of the experiences of God’s people. It examines their relationship to Him and their successes and failures. Students will discover many truths from the Old Testament that will h...More

CS2321 - Understanding the Bible

Understanding the Bible is a course of study that interacts with you on methods of carefully organized Bible study. You will learn effective techniques for general study, then you will apply them to the Bible through study questions. Many of the answers given in the textbook to these questions are offered only as suggestions to guide you to your own answers. This study emphasizes skilled procedures of observation and interpretation as valuable ai...More

CS3131 - Cornerstones of Truth

Cornerstones of Truth: A Study of Bible Doctrine is an introductory systematic study of basic Bible doctrines. Major topics include the nature of God, the acts of God, the activities and limitations of angels, the Creation, the fall of humanity, God’s redemptive plan, the origin of Scriptures, the church, and God’s ultimate plan for humankind. The course is a practical, basic study of biblical teaching and its application in the life of the b...More

CS3231 - Alive in Christ

Alive in Christ: A Study of Salvation concerns the doctrine of salvation. It presents salvation as both the will and work of God that rest upon Christ’s atoning work. The course gives preliminary consideration to the grace of God as the source of salvation. It examines the biblical teaching on election and foreordination as background for consideration of the respective roles of God and humanity in salvation. The author takes care to avoid the ...More

CS3331 - Counselor, Teacher, and Guide

Counselor, Teacher, and Guide is an introductory course on attributes of the Holy Spirit and His activities in the world from Creation to the present. He is presented as a personal, powerful, and practical Friend who abides in Spirit-filled believers and through them reveals Jesus Christ to the world. With the pentecostal experience of baptism in the Holy Spirit, the believer is empowered for witness, service, and holy living. The course is a pra...More

CS4141 - The Christian Church in Ministry

The Christian Church in Ministry is a practical course of study of the church and the people who make it a reality. Attention is given to the church’s redemptive ministry and the need for the believer to actively participate in this ministry.
The course is designed to help you in three ways: 1) It will help you understand the importance of the church in God’s plan for the world; 2) It will give you better understanding of the importance of...More

CS4241 - Starting New Churches

Starting New Churches is a practical course of study that stresses the importance of establishing new churches as a means of evangelizing the world. It gives guidelines so that any local church can be involved in the task of planting churches, thereby becoming a multiplying church.
The course is designed to help a person in three ways: 1) It will help one understand the purpose and function of the church as described in the New Testament; 2) I...More

CS4341 - Helping Christians Grow

Helping Christians Grow is a study of the biblical basis for the nurturing ministry and the practical application of teaching in the church today. It gives emphasis to the needs of the pupils in various stages of human development and to the various opportunities for Christian nurturing through the ministry of local church programs, sharing groups, and the Christian home.

CS5151 - Spiritual Gifts

In this course, we will give attention to three different groups
of spiritual gifts. We will call them (1) Gifts of Ministry, (2)
Other Ministry Gifts, and (3) Gifts of the Spirit.
The first group—Gifts of Ministry—includes those believers
who Christ gives to the church to be its leaders.
In the second group—Other Ministry Gifts—we will study
gifts which are available to all believers.
And in the final group—Gifts of the Spirit...More

CS5251 - Preaching and Teaching

Preaching and Teaching is a basic study of two biblical methods of communicating God’s Word. The student is guided in the understanding and mastery of practical ways to prepare and present lessons and sermons from Scripture....More

CS5351 - Sharing the Good News

Sharing the Good News is a practical course on the
important ministry of soul-winning. Written primarily for
workers in the local church, it is a how-to study of the
work of sharing the good news with the object of teaching the
student how to lead people to trust Jesus Christ as
their Savior and Lord. It is also designed to help the student
learn how to teach personal soul-winning to others. Special
emphasis is given to the dynamic ministr...More

CS6161 - Solving Life's Problems

Solving Life’s Problems—A Christian Approach is a study of the source of problems, methods of problem-solving, and ways of finding solutions, from a Christian perspective. Major universal problems are presented, such as problems in social and family relationships, problems of the single person, problems related to human sexuality, and other problems related to suffering and death. Biblical solutions are given for all of these problem areas, a...More

CS6261 - People, Tasks, and Goals

People, Tasks, and Goals is a course that presents the biblical foundations of leadership. It introduces students to the theory and practice of leadership and guides them in the application of both biblical and theoretical principles. The material is appropriate for both beginning and experienced layleaders and ministers, as well as for those who wish to train others in Christian leadership. The main emphasis is upon development of gifts and capa...More

CS6361 - Abundant Living

Abundant Living: A Study of Christian Character is a practical
course of study from Galatians 5 and related Scriptures. It
emphasizes the development of Christian qualities and their
outworkings in the Christian’s relationships and service. Biblical
definitions and examples are emphasized in describing the nine
dimensions of spiritual fruit, and practical applications are made
that relate these characteristics to the individual Christian ...More